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Hi, I am Mo👋
Sometimes I build stuffs, other times I break things!
I am a
/about me

Welcome to my digital space !

I'm all about the world of tech! With a keen eye for detail and a passion for problem-solving, I thrive in both frontend and backend realms, crafting user-friendly interfaces and robust server-side solutions. My coding journey is all about turning concepts into working software.

My journey in the world of technology has led me to hone my skills in different departments making me a versatile Fullstack Engineer ready to tackle any challenge.

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Currently looking for fullstack roles


NextJS, MongoDB, Clerk, shadCN, TailwindCSS


I am working on a full stack cole of stack overflow. Users can ask questions, post anwsers, upvote, downvote, search and filter all across different parts of the site. Site is also available in dark and light mode

Portfolio Website

NextJS, TailwindCSS, Sanity, shadCN

Portfolio Website

This site you are looking at :)

Task Management API

Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Docker, Jest, Swagger

Task Management API

Developed a robust and scalable Task Management API using Node.js and Express.js, with PostgreSQL for data storage, and Docker for containerization.

Vehicle Control through Eye Movement

Python, Raspberry Pi, Websockets, OpenCV, dlib

Vehicle Control through Eye Movement

Developed a system for controlling a robot's movement through eye movement detection using Python, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, and dlib.

Furniture Recommender System

Python, Tensorflow, Keras, OpenCV, FAISS, FastAPI

Furniture Recommender System

Built a furniture recommender system using deep learning and image analysis with Python, Tensorflow, OpenCV, and FastAPI.

Spotify Stats Viewer

Python, Django, REST API, HTML/CSS, Authentication

Spotify Stats Viewer

Built the Spotify Stats Viewer, an interactive web application using Django, enabling users to access and visualize their Spotify listening statistics.

COVID Tracker

Python, Django, Chart.js, REST API, HTML/CSS

COVID Tracker

Developed a dynamic COVID Tracker app using Django, allowing users to access and visualize live COVID-19 data for countries worldwide.


what i have been working with recently.

Roasberry logo

Working on the implementation of various APIs, including Google Ads, Shopify, Ikas, and Meta. Responsible for building rest endpoints and working on the frontend implementations too.


Developed Cypress test suites, designed responsive web interfaces with React.js and Tailwind CSS, and collaborated with cross-functional teams.

Assutech Inc logo
Assutech Inc

Delivered Computer Vision projects, built a furniture recommender system, recorded app events for data analysis, and managed APIs using Google Cloud's Apigee platform.

ACROME Robotics logo
ACROME Robotics

Revamped the company's online presence, developed ReactJS components, automated processes, and actively participated in meetings.

{contact me}
Ready to collaborate on exciting projects? Feel free to reach out! Let's bring ideas to life and create something extraordinary together. Whether you have a question, project proposal, or just want to say hi, I'm rready to connect and collaborate.
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